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Sermon: Worship through Obedience
Bible Passage: Psalm 40:1-10

I. The psalmist was in a messy situation for a significant period of time (verse 1-2)

1. He uses three figurative words to refer to the messy situation

a. “slimy pit”—pit of disaster, notorious lake
b. “mud”— mucky pit that represents deep despair
c. “miry clay,”— wet sediment which has very sticky and filthy characteristics
d. These words convey: instability, loneliness, and helplessness,

2. The expression “waiting I waited” informs us that the unpleasant situation of the psalmist lasted for a prolonged period—
3. Though situation appears to have worsened, he did not cease to wait/hope for God
4. Because he could not come out of the pit on his own, he kept “crying” to God
5. At the appropriate time, God reached out to the psalmist who was in a helpless situation and puts him in a stable place
6. In verses 1-2, the psalmist uses a few figurative words to explain the Lord’s intervention in his life

a. He inclined towards the psalmist (verse 1b)
b. He heard the cry of the psalmist (verse 1b)
c. He lifted the psalmist up out of the horrible/slimy pit, out of mud and miry clay
d. He placed the feet of the psalmist on a rock—refers to stability
e. He gave the psalmist a secure footing

7. The psalmist’s situation changed from instability to stability

II. The psalmist responds to the Lord’s intervention in his life with worship (verse 3)

1. He sings a new song, praising God
2.He desires to be missional with his transformed life and worship of the Lord—

III. With his life experience, the psalmist teaches two important life lessons (verse 4-5)

1. God alone is the source of help in time of trouble (verse 4)

a. Blessed is the one who does not look to any human source
b. Blessed is the one who does not look to any material that cannot save

2. God has done great things for the psalmist and his people (verse 5)—

IV. The psalmist responds to God in two ways

1. Renewed dedication to God (vv. 7-10)

a. Dedication to God is to know what pleases Him (verse 7)
b. The heart of God is not one’s religious rituals or the routine work
c. Obedience is the real sacrifice and response to God’s goodness

2. Commitment to share his testimony to others

V. Jesus is the model for obedience (Heb 10:5-7)

1. Sacrifices, offerings, burnt offerings, and sin offerings could not please the Father, nor they gave access to His presence
2. Jesus was willing to be obedient to the Father
3. This obedience is the best sacrifice and offering
4. Jesus’ body is the gift God has prepared to be the means by which the divine will can be accomplished
5. Jesus was preoccupied with doing that will of God

VI. Lessons we learn

Obedience is the best sacrifice and offering

Take Away:

1. Do not give up, but continue to wait on God
2. Share your testimony to others