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Sermon: Worship Characterized by Honor and Respect
Bible Passage: Malachi 1:6–14

I. This section (1:6–2:9) was addressed to the priests—the religious leaders of the community!

1. They needed to exemplify godly living so that the community would follow them
2. In this instance, they failed to lead by example; consequently, their people suffered for it

II. God saw inconsistency between the claim and actions of His people (1:6-14)

1. They professed God to be “Father” and “Master” (1:6)

a. Father – honor
b. Master – respect
c. Their sacrifice should have been of highest quality, best of everything
d. The sacrificial animals should have been without blemish and defect
e. Their sacrifices should have reflected their respect and thanksgiving to their God

2. Their deeds were inconsistent with their profession—dishonor and disrespect (1:7-14)

a. The priests who treated God’s worship contemptuously
b. They offered defiled food
c. They offered to their God blind, crippled, and dead animals (1:7-8, 13b-14)
d. Their actions revealed that their service to God was a kind of liability and obligation (1:13)
e. God would not accept their service which were insincere and full of defilement (1:10)

3. They were in denial of God’s disputation and their indifference (1:6b)

a. Verse 1:7: But you ask, “How have we defiled you?”
b. They continued their meaningless religious practices (verse 9)

4. They wanted God to remain gracious to them despite their attitude towards Him
5. What are the causes for such a state?

a. Incorrect assessment
b. Failed priesthood
c. Familiarity
d. They honored their human leaders more than their God (1:8)

III. God wanted Judah to know who He is? (1:11, 14)

1. The Great King (verse 14)
2. Great among the nations (verse 11)
3. Feared by all (verse 14)
4. God reminds the people of Judah that they were elected unconditionally (cf. 1:2)

IV. Just like the people of Judah, we may also become careless or insensitive to the awesomeness of God.

1. We develop cold-shoulder towards God
2. We offer to Him passionless worship
3. We lead a lukewarm relationship towards Him

We don’t now offer animal or grain sacrifices to God because He provided the best and once-and-for all sacrifice, Jesus, and thereby provided an uninterrupted access to Him

V. How do we respond to this amazing act of God

1. Paul suggests, “Therefore, I urge you [plural], brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your [plural] bodies [plural] a living and holy sacrifice [SINGULAR],
acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship” Rom 12:1
2. The Roman Church was divided over racial lines, Jewish and non-Jewish Christians

a. It was not acceptable to God
b. Remaining divided over race and ethnicity is not a reasonable service to God

3. According to Paul, the reasonable/intelligent reciprocation to God is that they are united (single SACRIFICE)

a. By not practicing racial division
b. By not ignoring the other person of another race and ethnicity but,
c. By realizing that each one is needed to the other person
d. Acceptable worship is one’s willing service to the local body,

i. It may be diverse in race, ethnicity, and economics
ii. But reasonable worship is one’s desire to contribute towards its oneness

Take Away:

Contribute towards the oneness of this local church