Series: Book of Galatians (The Gospel)
Sermon: Freedom
Bible Passage: Galatians 5:1, 13
I. Freedom
1. Life without constraints
2. Liberation from slavery
3. Release from imprisonment
4. Here in Gal 5:1, the concept “freedom” has a specific meaning
II. From where did Christ free the Galatians believers?
1. Present evil age (1:4)— “the present age is dominated by evil that is in opposition to God”
2. Curse of legalism or self-effort religion (3:13)
3. Restrictions of self-effort religion (3:23)
4. Elemental spirits (4:3)
5. False gods (4:8)
III. Summary:
1. The freedom is from blind obedience of the Jewish Law, domination of invisible forces, and meaningless religious restrictions
2. The freedom is to be in “the realm” of the Gospel where a believer and believing community relate with God purely through Jesus and by the work of the Holy Spirit
3. In other words, “the freedom” is man’s ability to relate with God and maintain his relationship with Him without any effort from him
IV. What was the problem with the Galatian Christians?
1. Change of allegiance
2. Adopting a new legalism
3. Attempt to place importance on externals
V. What is Paul’s contention with the Galatians?
1. Believers have been called to freedom (5:1, 13)
2. Believers are blessed with four provisions to enjoy “the freedom” (3:6-4:7)
a. The Holy Spirit (3:14) (“He redeemed us in order that the blessing given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles through Christ Jesus, so that by faith we might receive the promise of the Spirit”)
b. Adoption (4:7) (“So you are no longer a slave, but a son; and since you are a son, God has made you also an heir”)
c. Righteousness (3:11) (“the righteous will live by faith”)
d. Inheritance (3:29) (“If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise”)
VI. What is Paul asking the Galatians?
1. To stand firm by not subjecting themselves into slavery (5:1)—i.e., he entreats them not to go to legalism
2. Not to use their freedom a license to indulge in fleshly activities (5:13) (in Galatians “flesh” means “activities opposed to God and His plan)
3. To use the freedom to serve one another (5:13)
4. To walk after the Holy Spirit (5:16)
Take Away:
Renounce self-efforts and legalisms (externals), and walk after the Holy Spirit