Sermon: Parenting
Bible Passage: 1 Samuel 1:19–2:11
I. Hannah’s demonstrates submission and selflessness in her prayer (1:11)
A. Hannah asked God for a son who she would give back to Him—“I will give him to the LORD for all the days of his life”
B. Hannah wanted her son to be a Nazirite, a set apart person for God—“… no razor will ever be used on his head”
C. Hannah’s desire for a son was centered on God and service to Him
II. Elkanah and Hannah provided an amazing model in the grace of parenting
A. The conception and birth of Samuel begins after worship (1:19-20)
B. She named her son “Samuel,” a descriptive name—“I asked of God” or “heard of God”
C. Per Exod 13:11-16 and Num 30 Elkanah could have redeemed Samuel and kept him to himself
D. But he honors his wife’s vow and happily releases his son to serve God
E. Hannah was a woman of prayer and worship (1:1:10-12a; 1:27-28; 2:1-10)—by far the best environment for a baby to grow
F. Hannah’s prayer has exceptional depth of theology
G. Elkanah visited the Lord where the Tabernacle was “year after year” (1:3, 1:21; 2:11)—by far the best model for a baby to grow up with and modeled after
H. Observation:
1. A mom who is focused on God and a dad complying to mom’s desire
2. Mom and dad worship God, not with just words but in giving and releasing!
III. Elkana and Hannah show teamwork in bringing up Samuel for God
A. Hannah became purposeful in raising Samuel (1:21)
1. Mom’s love toward their kids can evolve into obsession
2. They can get attached unhealthily to their babies—idols)
B. Hannah dreamed about Samuel to be living in the presence of the LORD (1:22)—“he will live there always”
C. Hannah raises Samuel with fear of God and priority for God
D. Samuel had a personal encounter with God as a young boy (3:7-10)—but the foundation was laid at home
E. Observations:
1. As a Nazirite and judge, Samuel would serve the LORD and nation Israel, and usher a new era in Jewish history with the anointing of Saul and David
2. A great leader and powerful man of God was conceived, born, and raised in a godly family
3. Family and parents provide environment for the rise of godly leaders
IV. Hannah gives up the right to have Samuel with her, but happily gives him back to the LORD (1:24-28; cf. Romans 12:1—a sacrifice living, holy, and acceptable)
A. She acknowledges God as the source of her blessing (1:27)
B. She realizes the healthiest future for her son is in the presence of God (1:28)—”so, now I give him to the LORD. For his whole life he will be given over to the LORD”
C. She never treats releasing her son to the LORD as a loss, but she rejoices greatly—Hannah burst forth into an amazing worship
V. In Luke 18:15-17 Jesus addresses the parents, his disciples, and the onlookers
A. “Let the little children come to me” and “do not hinder them” (verse 6)
B. Jesus demonstrates that He is an Advocate for children
C. Jesus says that children receive Him and His message faster and easier than the adults
D. Therefore, children must not be hindered from coming to Him
VI. Principles
A. Parents are the heritage builders
B. Most important need of our children is God and the safest environment for them is to be around God
C. Parents are only stewards of children and are never owners of them
D. Their success as parents is seen when they release their children to God and when their children meet with God
Take Away:
Raise your kids for God and for His service