Sermon: God’s Dispute with His People
Bible Passage: Malachi 1:6–14
I. God saw inconsistency between the claim and deeds of His people (1:6-14)
1. They professed God to be “Father” and “Master” (1:6)
2. But their deeds were inconsistent with their profession (1:7-14)
a. They offered to their God blind, crippled, and dead animals (1:7-8, 13b-14)
b. Their actions revealed that their service to God was a kind of liability and obligation (1:13)
c. Their claim and service were just superficial
d. God would not accept their service which were insincere and full of defilement (1:10)
3. They were in denial of God’s disputation and their indifference (1:6b)
a. Verse 1:7: But you ask, “How have we defiled you?”
b. They continued their meaningless religious practices (verse 9)
4. They wanted God to remain gracious to them despite their attitude towards Him (1:9-11)
5. What are the causes for such a state?
a. Incorrect assessment:
b. Failed priesthood
c. Familiarity
d. They honored their human leaders more than their God (1:8)
II. Just like the people of Judah, we may also become careless or insensitive to the awesomeness of God.
1. We develop cold-shoulder towards God
2. We offer to Him passionless worship
3. We lead a lukewarm relationship towards Him
III. God wanted Judah to know who He is? (1:11, 14)
1. The Great King (verse 14)
2. Great among the nations (verse 11)
3. Feared by all (verse 14)
4. God reminds the people of Judah that they were elected unconditionally (cf. 1:2)
IV. When we deserved nothing, God chose us (Eph 1:3-14)
1. Has chosen us to be adopted as His sons through Jesus Christ
2. Has redeemed us through the blood of Jesus Christ
3. Has claimed us to be His own through the Holy Spirit
Take Away:
Express honor, reverence, and fear in your relationship with God