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Sermon: God Our Leader In-Charge
Bible Passage: Exodus 33:14

I. There was an uncertain future for the people of Israel

1. They created their own god to lead them (Exod 32:1-6)

a. Verse 1: Come, make us gods who will go before us
b.Verse 4: Aaron made an idol cast in the shape of a calf and they said “these are your gods who brought you up out of Egypt”
c.Verse 5-6: They built an altar and sacrificed (which was followed for revelry)

2. They brought displeasure to God (Exod 32:7-8)

a. Verse 8: They have been quick to turn away from what I commanded them
b. Verse 8: They have made for themselves an idol cast in the shape of a calf
c. Verse 8: They have bowed down to it and sacrificed to it
d. Verse 8: They said that they were their gods that brought them out of Egypt

3. At the most crucial period of the Exodus Journey, there was a fear of God’s desertion and punishment

a. Verse 9: They are still-necked people
b. Verse 10: My anger burns against them that I may destroy them

II. In the midst of God’s anger and people’s sin, Moses stands between God and people

1. People repent of their sins
2. Moses intercedes on behalf of His “stiff-necked people” for God’s favor (33:12-13 & 32:31)

a. Moses is a type of Jesus Christ, and
b. Moses is a type of Christians
c. If God was not going to be present in the Promised Land, Moses did not want to be there even though it is a land that is flowing with milk and honey

III. About God

1. God hates sin and disapproves sinful behavior, but He is abundantly gracious

a. Despite the failure of the people, God looks favorably upon them who failed miserably
b. God gives second chance to repentant people
c. God makes Himself available to be approached in times of fear and uncertainty (v.12)
d. God fulfills His purposes through the repented people—takes them to the Promised Land

2. God who was working through the agency of the individual Moses (face-to-face) now promises to be their leader directly (verse 14)

b. In other words, the Lord would be their leader henceforth and lead the people to the place of their destination
c. God promises two things: leadership to the people and rest to Moses

i. Presence
ii. Rest

IV. Theology of the Passage

God is gracious, forgiving, and willing to help His people to move on with their life

V. Today

1. Unlike Moses—a time-bound intercessor, Jesus is our High Priest, who intercedes for us continuously (Heb 4:14-16)
2. Just as God was taking the people of Israel on a journey, God is taking us as a church in a journey

a. Matt 28:19-20b: Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, 28:20 teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.
b. Matt 28:20c: And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age”

3. We probably have created our own gods, subtly changed our loyalties to other things other than God who brought us this far
4. Let’s repent, move away from our small gods, turn to the Triune God

Take Away

Follow God’s leadership for the rest your journey