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Sermon: Gospel Centered Upbringing
Bible Passage: Luke 2:41-52

This narrative is a great model for Luke’s readers with regard to Jesus’ identity and His mission

I. Jesus had developed deep passion for the Scripture (2:46) (He loved Scripture so much that He was separated from His earthly parents for three days in order to study from teachers!)

1. Sitting down in the Temple (posture of a disciple/student)
2. In the company of teachers (teachers of the Scripture)
3. Listening (learner: student)
4. Asking (method of learning)
5. Those who heard young Jesus were astonished at His questions and answers
6. A person need not wait to become old to study Scripture! In fact, the study of the Scripture must begin right from childhood

II. Jesus had/has an intimate relationship with God (2:49) (there is a contrast between verses 48 and 49: between “your father” and “My Father”

1. He calls God “my Father”
2. Jesus spends a good amount of time with the Father (cf. 3:21, 5:16, 6:12, 9:18, 11:1)
3. Jesus wanted Mary and Joseph to know His real identity
4. Jesus was not wasting His time in the company of His friends, but was spending time with the Father
5. Where do you spend your time? It is a good example for children to spend time with the Father and human father

III. In the context of Jesus’ earthly family, He was respectful to his earthly parents (2:51)

1. Jesus was obedient
2. It expresses continuous state of Jesus’ relationship with his earthly parents
3. Is obedient voluntary or forced upon?

IV. Jesus maintained a healthy relationship with the community (2:52)

1. Increased in wisdom and manhood
2. Favor with God and man (liked by people)

V. During Jesus’ childhood, He grew up in a home where God and His interests took precedence over everything else (vv.41-42)

1. They followed God’s command to celebrate Passover in Jerusalem corporately
2. They lived in a faith community
3. The family provided conducive environment for Jesus to grow in His faith
4. Mary complied with God’s plan (cf. 1:38 “I am your servant”)
5. Joseph obeyed (cf. Matthew 1:24)

VI. Theology

1. Intimate relationship with the Triune God (Father in this passage) produces in young people skills that make them successful at home and in societies
2. A family that provides godly environment at home provides to their children key to real success

Take Away:

1. KIDS: take up the model of Jesus in your childhood days
2. PARENTS: Provide an environment for your children to grow in their faith and develop healthy relationship with the community