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Series: Lent 2021
Sermon: Jesus, the Substitution for Human Sin: The Climax of the Redemption Story
Bible Passage: Mark 14:32-42

I. Gethsemane marked the beginning of Jesus’ passion/suffering—it is where God began His judgment of the depraved humanity through His Son

1. It began with the anointing of Jesus by the unnamed woman (Mark 14:3-9) & His celebration of Passover with His disciples (Mark 14:22-26)
2. Symbolism of Gethsemane and Mount of Olives

a. Mount of Olives, the place of God’s judgement (Zech 14:4)
b. Gethsemane—oil press

3. At Gethsemane, Jesus desired human and divine support (Read 14:32-34)

a. Jesus knew that the Father, the Righteous Judge, was going to begin His Judgement on sinful humanity through Him through the agency of sinful executioners
b. He knew that His death would be the atonement for sin (14:24: “This is my blood of the covenant,” alluding to Exod 24:8)
c. Thus, implying that his death would amount to divine wrath (it looks like “Gethsemane” is a symbolism of weight)
d. During His prayer, “the Son of Man was going to be betrayed into the hands of sinners” as Jesus predicted (cf. 14:41; cf. cf. 8:31; 9:31; 10:33–34)
e. Jesus took Peter, James, and John with him, and became very troubled and distressed (14:33)—Peter, James, and John—three inner circle confidants (cf. 5:37, 9:2, 13:3)
f. Jesus told them, “My soul is crushed with grief to the point of death” (14:34)
g. Just a few minutes earlier Peter boasted, “Even if they all fall away, I will not!” (14:29; cf. 14:66-72)—could not give Jesus emotional support by not sleeping, by staying awake
h. “Simon, are you sleeping? Couldn’t you stay awake for one hour?”—Jesus’ use of the name “Simon” suggests that Peter (the rock) had reverted to his old self! (cf. 14:37)
i. James and John boasted that they would be able to drink from the cup that Jesus drank, or to be baptized with the baptism with which He was going to be baptized (10:38-39)—but just like Peter they also failed to give emotional support to Jesus
j. Peter, James, and John along with other disciples gave Him lip-service and let Him down at the point of His need—Lofty words but in reality, no actions

4. Henceforth, Jesus is going to be alone until God’s righteous judgement was over

a. Disciples failed Jesus three times and subsequently they will run away from Gethsemane shortly by leaving Jesus alone
b. Judas will initiate the “handing over” procedure to the court of the High Priest and then to Pilate
c. Peter would deny Jesus three times within a matter of three hours
d. This is the only place, where Jesus looked to His disciples for the support, but He did not receive from them

5. Not only His disciples, even the Father appears to be silent during Jesus’ passion

a. As usual, Jesus prays “Going a little farther, he threw himself to the ground and prayed that if it were possible the hour would pass from him. He said, “Abba, Father, all things are possible for you. Take this cup away from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will” (14:35-36)
b. The “cup” refers to the divine wrath for sin and Jesus the Atonement (cf. Jer 25:15;[1] Isa 51:17;[2] Psalm 75:8, and Rev 14:10, 16:19)
c. God being the Righteous Judge began His judgement of sinful humanity through the sacrifice of atonement, i.e., Jesus
d. Jesus’ cry “why have you forsaken me” is an indication that it is not only the disciples who abandoned Him but also His Father (15:34)

6. Behind the loneliness of Jesus and cruelty of men, the “will of God” was at work
7. Jesus makes it clear that He intends to comply fully with His Father’s desire

II. Several Principles:

1. Not everything that is possible for God is part of God’s will (He said, “Abba, Father, all things are possible for you. Take this cup away from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will” 14:36)
2. Jesus intends to comply fully with His Father’s desire despite the intensity of its fury (model for obedience)
3. Jesus would not allow personal preferences to conflict with divine demand

a. Jesus faced his most trying moment with intense prayer
b. Jesus’ suffering/passion was not for His sin or transgression, but it was for the sinful humanity

Take Away:

1. Be dependable for Jesus and His mission
2. (Those who are facing trials), face your trials with prayers