Series: Christmas 2022
Sermon: Crisis and Divine Purpose
Bible Passage: Matthew 1:18-25
Let’s look at the passage:
I. Joseph and Mary Mother of Jesus were engaged/betrothed to be married (verse 18)
1. Before they were officially married, Mary was found to be pregnant (verse 18)—crisis hit the family
2. The source of Mary’s pregnancy was the Holy Spirit (verse 18, 20)
i. The ministry of the Holy Spirit is to make Jesus be born in the hearts of people
ii. This is a miracle that no man was involved in her pregnancy (nothing is impossible with God cf. Luke 1:37)
3. But Joseph did not know about it initially (as a result)
i. Suspicion of infidelity—breaking of trust
ii. Public shame and stigma
iii. Potential divorce
iv. Bitterness! Pain!
4. Jesus was going to be born in a home that was amid a crisis
5. Joseph went through innocent suffering
II. Joseph decided to divorce Mary secretly because (verse 19)
1. Joseph did not want Mary to suffer public mockery
2. Joseph cared for the other person despite his situation (she apparently wronged him)
3. Divorce need not be the answer to marital issues
III. Joseph did not react emotionally, but sought God’s guidance with regard to the crisis and decisions (verse 20-21)
1. While Joseph was in prayer, the Messenger appeared to Joseph to communicate with a message from God
2. Mary’s pregnancy was not due to any human agent, but by the work of the Holy Spirit
3. Through the Angel, God commanded Joseph that he must not divorce Mary, but take her as his wife
IV. The baby, Jesus, will be the Savior of the people, who will save his people from their sins (verse 22)
1. Sin separates man from God
2. Relationship with God is the most important need and purpose of man
3. Man is helpless and needs a Savior
4. Jesus is God’s provision—the Savior
V. Joseph obeyed God’s Word (verse 24-25)
1. Upon waking up from sleep, Joseph received Mary as his wife and carried out all that the Messenger commanded him
2. Until Mary gave birth to the child, Joseph did not have any physical relationship with her
VI. When the baby was born, Joseph named him “Jesus” just as he was commanded (verse 25) (this is an adoption formula)
Lessons we learn from this passage
1. Jesus was conceived supernaturally in Mary’s womb without the involvement of a man—
2. The Triune God—Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit, collectively participate in this event—this is the first introduction of the doctrine of Trinity
3. Jesus is God’s provision for human depravity and helplessness
4. God chooses a human agent to carry out God’s purpose
5. Most important trait of a believer is obedience without hesitation and delay
Take Away:
Obey what God demands from you without hesitation and delay, which is the true Christmas celebration