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Sermon: Practical Christmas
Bible Passage: Matthew 1:18-25

Joseph’s relationship was in a crisis (verse 18b)

1. Verse 18b: his [Jesus’] mother, Mary, was engaged to Joseph

a. Dreams to build a family
b. Planning for a long journey together
c. Betrothal is as good as the marriage; it’s legally binding

2. The cause for crisis was an apparent unfaithfulness (verse 18c: but before they came together, she was found to be pregnant)

a. Shattering of the dream
b. Pain and bitterness
c. Anger
d. Public shame and stigma
e. God’s plan in this crisis is that Jesus was going to be born in a home that was in the midst of a crisis
f. Joseph went through innocent suffering

Unaware of God’s plan in this apparent crisis, Joseph wanted to handle this matter in the way he was used to (verse 19 Because Joseph, her husband to be, was a righteous man, and because he did not want to disgrace her, he intended to divorce her privately)

1. It is the easiest way out, but does not provide relief from pain
2. God-ordained crisis cannot be solved in cultural or judicial way

Even in the midst of being the affected one, Joseph demonstrated Christian character, i.e., care for Mary! (practical righteousness)

1. He would rather be harmed than harming the other person
2. Even at the receiving end, Joseph was considerate of the apparent offender

Joseph did not make the decision to divorce Mary hurriedly (verse 20a: When he was contemplating this [divorce])

1. Decisions have consequence(s)
2. “You do not have control over someone’s action, but you’re in control of your reactions”
3. The Greek word “consider” refers “to process information by thinking about it carefully”—it is the opposite of emotional decision
4. Joseph spent considerable amount of time thinking and praying about his relationship with Mary

When Joseph was handling his crisis in prayer, he receives an important message from God through His Angel (verse 20b: behold! the Angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream)

1. God speaks to His people (objective truth)
2. When Joseph was in his crossroads, when he was in need of guidance, God provides it!
3. A child of God understands God’s voice in the midst of many voices

Joseph gets clarity of the crisis (verse 20c: Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife, because the child conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit)

1. Joseph’s crisis was not really a crisis
2. Had he acted without waiting on the Lord, he would have caused damage to God’s plan for his life and lost the blessing of serving Him
3. This crisis was God’s invitation to Joseph to partner with Him

a. Joseph needed to give up his plan to divorce Mary; instead, marry her because Mary was carrying Jesus the Second Person in Godhead in her womb
b. In other words, “give up his plan and latch on to God’s plan”!
c. What Joseph perceived about Mary was not correct
d. It involves risks, inconveniences, and stigma
e. Practical message: Joseph served God’s interest

Through the Angel, God instructed Joseph with regard to Mary (verse 21: She will give birth to a son and you will name him Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.”)

1. God asks Joseph to name the Child
2. Whoever names the child is the father of the child (Joseph becomes the adopted father)
3. Jesus incarnated in the womb of Mary

a. Jesus is the Second Person in the Trinity
b. God exists as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit
c. All three are present in this passage: the Father plans, the Son executes, and the Holy Spirit makes it happen
d. (God’s work is always Trinitarian)
e. Though Jesus incarnated in Mary’s womb, He continued to remain God
f. Mary was just an instrument just like Joseph was
g. Just because Jesus was conceived in Mary’s womb, Mary did not become superior to God
h. Mary is “God-bearer” not because she was in any way God, but she bore God in her womb

4. God the Father appoints Jesus, the Son, to be the Savior of His people (verse 21c: “He will save His people from their sins”)

a. Who needs a savior?
b. Sin ruptured man’s relationship with God
c. Sin brought to man eternal death and condemnation
d. Man remained helpless because he was unable to get back to God and was awaiting punishment in eternal hell
e. By taking upon Himself man’s penalty for sin, Jesus died on man’s behalf and paid the penalty for the helpless humanity
f. This has ensured man’s restoration of relationship back with God and a transfer from eternal condemnation to eternal life

Joseph and Mary, and her holy conception are part of God’s salvation plan (verse 22-23: This all happened so that what was spoken by the Lord through the prophet would be fulfilled: 1:23 “Look! The virgin will conceive and bear a son, and they will call him Emmanuel,” which means “God with us.”)

1. Mary’s conception is virgin conception—the greatest miracle
2. Jesus is also called “Emmanuel” which means “God with us”
3. God invited Joseph to serve Him in this salvation plan (this invitation is extended to everyone even today)

a. Joseph’s response to God’s invitation was “immediate obedience” (verse 24: When Joseph awoke from sleep, he did what the angel of the Lord told him. He took his wife, 1:25 but did not have marital relations with her until she gave birth to a son, whom he named Jesus)


1. Jesus is God’s provision for human depravity and helplessness
2. God chooses a human agent to carryout God’s purpose
3. Most important trait of a believer is obedience without hesitation and delay

Take away (Practical Christmas)

1. Serve God’s interest
2. Demonstrate Christian care and love to your spouse
3. Serve God through your obedience