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Sermon: Let Your will come about
Bible Passage: Matthew 6:10b

I. Introductory remarks

1. The combination of this expression (in Greek) appears in three other places—Matt 26:42, Luke 22:42; Acts 21:24

i. Matt 26:42 He [Jesus] went away a second time and prayed, “My Father, if this cup cannot be taken away unless I drink it, your will must be done
ii. Luke 22:42 Father, if you are willing, take this cup away from me. Yet not my will but yours be done
iii. Acts 21:14 Because he could not be persuaded, we said no more except, “The Lord’s will be done

2. In all the places, human activity is not the focus, but God’s activity is in focus
3. All of them are in the context of God’s will coming about in specific circumstances
4. Jesus teaches an important lesson to His disciples that they need to plea to God to bring about His purposes

II. The will of God in this verse refers to:

1. Something God wishes to happen
2. God’s agenda or a plan

i. In the lives of believers or non-believers
ii. In the Church or the world

III. In Matthew 6:10b “God’s will” refers to God’s purposes that come to pass in the circumstances of life

1. In ups and downs
2. In life or death
3. In abundance or need
4. In situations like covid

IV. The implication of this prayer (let your will come about):

1. Acceptance of what God intends in such a situation
2. Trust that it is not for your bad or only for your good (trust in God’s goodness)
3. Submission and complying to His plan
4. Avoidance of push backs
5. So, the role of the believer with regard to this prayer:

i. It’s modelled after Jesus
ii. It’s through obedience
iii. It’s through prioritizing

Take Away:

Plan to have a God-focused life rather than leading a self-focused one