Matthew 6:9

Sermon: Prayer #2 Bible Passage: Matthew 6:9 But when you pray, you pray this way: Our Father who is in the heavens, may your name be revered I. A brief discussion on the doctrine of Trinity 1. For the first three hundred years of Christianity, the doctrine of Trinity took

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Matthew 6:5-8

Sermon: Prayer Bible Passage: Matthew 6:5-8 I. Introductory discussion 1. Jesus is not prohibiting public corporate prayer, but he is redefining prayer of His followers 2. The disciples never asked Jesus to teach them to perform miracle, heal, multiply bread and fishes, but they asked Jesus to teach them to pray 3.

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Matthew 5:14-16

Sermon: You are the Light for the World Bible Passage: Matthew 5:14-16 1. These verses are part of the Sermon on the Mount (location is northeast of Galilee/Capernaum) 2. East of the Sermon on the Mount (Capernaum) is Decapolis “Ten Cities” 3. One of the Decapolis is “The city on the

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Psalm 23:5-6

Sermon: The LORD is the Host Bible Passage: Psalm 23:5-6 I. Two important metaphors used in Psalm 23 1. Shepherd 2. Host II. Verses 5-6 must be understood in the background of hospitality the Bible-culture 1. Abraham (Gen 18:1-12) 2. Lot (Gen 19:1-3) 3. Early Christians (Heb 13:2;1 1 Tim 3:22)

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Psalm 23:2-4

Sermon: The LORD is My Shepherd Bible Passage: Psalm 23:2-4 I. The LORD’s fivefold Shepherd leadership to the psalmist: 1. Rich provision for physical and spiritual needs with protection from external threats 2. Care and tenderness 3. Restoration of the soul from damages and backsliding (wrong decisions) a. The word

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Psalm 23:1-3

Sermon: The LORD is My Shepherd Bible Passage: Psalm 23:1-3 I. The title/name “Jehovah Ro’yi” comes from Psalms 23:1a  1. Most likely the composer of the psalm was a shepherd 2. He used his shepherding career as a backdrop/paradigm to picture the LORD’s relationship with him 3. All action words

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Psalm 42-43

Sermon: A Believer’s Holy Longing for His God Bible Passage: Psalm 42-43 I. Background Information 1. The Psalmist was living away from Jerusalem—away from participating in Temple (corporate) worship a .He was living in the land of Jordan and Hermon—Mount Mizar, roughly in the Syrian territory (verse 6b) b. Either he was in

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John 4:4-15

Sermon: The Spring of Living Water Bible Passage: John 4:4-15 I. Jesus came to Samaria—(verse 4:4a “had”) 1. Defied political, religious, cultural limitations (4:9) 2. Develops conversation with the woman to reveal who He is II. About the Woman of Samaria 1. Lonely and isolated (verse 4:7) a. Life style b.

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Revelation 3:14-21

Sermon: Lukewarm Christians Bible Passage: Revelation 3:14-21 I. About the City of Laodicea 1. Main banking center because of its location on the Anatolian highway—Ephesus to Syria 2. Textile industry—mass production of soft, purplish-black wool, and wool garments 3. Eye hospital a. The famous ophthalmologist, Demosthenes Philalethes, practiced medicine b.

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Luke 15:11-32

Sermon: The Father Bible Passage: Luke 15:11-32 I. A few highlights on the “father” character in the story 1. A leader who is in command of the family affairs 2. Not overbearing or dictatorial but is present for family affairs 3. Compassionate toward the prodigal son despite all the negatives (15:20) i.

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