John 21:15-27

Sermon: The Good Shepherd and His Shepherds Bible Passage: John 21:15-27 Three characters: Jesus, Peter, and Jesus’ sheep/flock I. In the OT, the people of Israel are frequently called “sheep” 1. Psalm 100:3 Acknowledge that the LORD is God! He made us and we belong to him; we are his people, the

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Luke 7:35-50

Sermon: Superior Hospitality Bible Passage: Luke 7:35-50 I. Luke uses meals/banquet to teach about Jesus (5:27-32; 7:36-50; 10:41-42; 11:37-52; 14:1-24; 19:1-10; 22:14-38; 24:29-32) II. Three characters in this passage: Simon the Pharisee, Jesus, and the woman III. Simon the Pharisee 1. Religious person who had the reputation of standing for Jewish faith

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Luke 4:1-13

Sermon: The Devil And Temptation Bible Passage: Luke 4:1-13 In this passage, Jesus is contrasted with two figures of the OT, Adam and Israel I. Luke wants his reader(s) to understand what kind of “Son” Jesus is: 1. Jesus was “full of the Holy Spirit” 2. “[Jesus] was led by the

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Ephesians 6:1-4

Sermon: Children and Parents Bible Passage: Ephesians 6:1-4 I. Introductory Discussion 1. Eph 6:1-4 is a continuation of 5:15-18,1 which has two emphases a. “Wise living as Christians” b. “Living under the influence of the Holy Spirit” 2. Previous section: “wives and husbands,” “submission,” “love,” and “Christ-imitating leadership” 3. Eph 6:1-4 is

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Acts 18:1-4

Sermon: Aquila and Priscilla—A Family on the Mission of God Bible Passage: Acts 18:1-4; Rom 16:3-5a; 1 Cor 16:19; 2 Tim 4:19 I. Most likely it was an interracial couple—Jew and Italian II. Aquilas was from Pontus and Priscilla, most likely, was from Rome 1. Interestingly, they are mentioned together everywhere

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Isaiah 41:8-13

Sermon: Servant and His Mission Bible Passage: Isaiah 41:8-13 I. The Hebrew word ebed was used to refer to: a slave, servant, official, or vassal II. This term ebed is also used as a title of honor when it is used with the LORD like “My servant” or “servant of

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Isaiah 40:1-11

Sermon: The Good News Bible Passage: Isaiah 40:1-11 I. Introductory information: 1. The book of Isaiah is broadly divided into three major sections: 1–39 (pre-Exile); 40–55 (Exile, i.e, no Temple); and 56–66 (post-Exile) 2. There were at least 150 years between chs. 39 and 40 3. At least seven kings ruled

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Jeremiah 29:1-14

Sermon: Purposeful Inconveniences Bible Passage: Jeremiah 29:1-14 I. People of Judah were shaken up when Nebuchadnezzar invaded Jerusalem and took some significant people to Babylon as slaves (ca. 597 BC) 1. Elders, priests, and prophets (verse 1) 2. King Jehoiachin and Queen Mother, Nehushta (verse 2) 3. Leaders, artisans, and craftsmen (verse

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Ruth 4:9-10

Series: Christmas 2021 Sermon: Go’el Bible Passage: Ruth 4:9-10 The Hebrew noun go’el refers to a man’s nearest relative—the Bible translates this word as “redeemer” I. The definition of “to redeem” or “redeemer” is : 1. To do the part of a kinsman/relative—“to set one free from helplessness and danger,” “to

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Ruth 2:1-23

Series: Christmas 2021 Sermon: Hesed Bible Passage: Ruth 2:1-23 I. Verse 1: Now Naomi had a relative on her husband’s side of the family named Boaz. He was a wealthy, prominent man from the clan of Elimelech 1. The narrator speaks here—he prepares his audience for Ruth’s meeting with Boaz

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