Ruth 1:1-22

Series: Christmas 2021 Sermon: Back to Bethlehem Bible Passage: Ruth 1:1-22 I. “In the days when the judges judged” (verse 1) 1. This period was characterized by lawlessness and constant breaking of the covenant stipulations 2. There was no king everyone did what they wanted II. There was a famine in the

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Exodus 14:13-14

Sermon: Rock and a Hard Place Bible Passage: Exodus 14: 13-14 I. The LORD planned to lead the people of Israel through a difficult terrain in Sinai Desert for a purpose (Exodus 13:17-22) 1. The LORD brought them to a place of no escape (from bad to worse!) 2. The people

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1 Corinthians 12:12, 27

Series: The Church Sermon: The Body of Christ Bible Passage: 1 Corinthians 12:12, 27 I. What prompted Paul to write this passage? 1. The congregation that consisted of Jews, non-Jews, slaves, and free did not maintain a healthy congregational relationship 2.  The Roman class system was most likely brought into

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1 Corinthians 3:16–4:1

Series: The Church Sermon: The Temple of God Bible Passage: 1 Corinthians 3:16–4:1 I. The temples claim to house gods and goddesses 1. Structure alone would not reveal the identity of the temple 2. It is the idol that is kept inside that reveals the identity of the temple II. The

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Psalm 103:3-5

Sermon: Forgiveness Bible Passage: Psalm 103:3-5 I. Initial considerations: In verses 3-5, the psalmist highlights five blessings God extends to the believers 1. Forgiveness from transgressions 2. Healing from illness 3. Redemption from the Pit (šaḥaṯ refers to the pit from which no can ever return—grave or underworld) 4. Restoration of

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Exodus 33:14

Sermon: God Our Leader In-Charge Bible Passage: Exodus 33:14 I. There was an uncertain future for the people of Israel 1. They created their own god to lead them (Exod 32:1-6) a. Verse 1: Come, make us gods who will go before us b.Verse 4: Aaron made an idol cast in

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Ephesians 2:10

Series: The Church Sermon: The Church: The Poiema “Handiwork” of God Bible Passage: Ephesians 2:10 I. In Greek literature and the Greek translation of the Old Testament, the word poema and its related words refer to divine creative activity[1] II. God is known partially through His creation 1. Psalm 19:1

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1 Peter 2:4-10

Sermon: The Church: Spiritual House Under Construction Bible Passage: 1 Peter 2:4-10 I. The Church is a spiritual house (verse 4-5) 1. God is the one who is building this spiritual house with two types of stones: Living Stone and living stones (verse 5) 2. Jesus is the Living Stone of

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1 Peter 2:11-25

Sermon: Christians Attitude towards Their Government Bible Passage: 1 Peter 2:11-25 I. Background 1. The epistle was written to Jewish Christians shortly before the outbreak of persecution under Roman Emperor Nero in AD 64 2. Hostility and suspicion were mounting against Christians in the empire, and they were being hated and

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1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

Sermon: Comfort in Grief Bible Passage: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 I. Introductory Discussion The “gap”/ “deficiency” (cf. 3:10) that Paul addresses in this passage is:“Grief” or “trauma of death” II. Verses 13 1. The expression “we do not want you to be ignorant (4:13) introduces either a fresh information or an elaboration

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