Mark 14:32-42

Series: Lent 2021 Sermon: Jesus, the Substitution for Human Sin: The Climax of the Redemption Story Bible Passage: Mark 14:32-42 I. Gethsemane marked the beginning of Jesus’ passion/suffering—it is where God began His judgment of the depraved humanity through His Son 1. It began with the anointing of Jesus by the unnamed

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Isa 52:13-15; Luke 24:13-35

Sermon: New Beginning Bible Passage: Isa 52:13-15; Luke 24:13-35 I. Jesus’ resurrection was prophesied about 700 years before it happened (cf. Isa 52:13-15) 1. The (Suffering) Servant will be successful (52:13) 2. He will be elevated, lifted high, and greatly exalted by God (53:13) 3. His success will startle many nations

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Isaiah 53:1-12; Romans 3:24-25b

Sermon: Jesus the Suffering Servant Bible Passage: Isaiah 53:1-12; Romans 3:24-25b I. The (Suffering) Servant would have an obscure, insignificant birth and upbringing (vv. 1-3) 1. Dry ground—lowly background of His parents compared to the luxury of the royals 2. No dignity or beauty—compare it with Saul and David 3.

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Joel 2:12-27

Sermon: God’s Response To Repentant Believers Bible Passage: Joel 2:12-27 I. There was a crisis with regard to farm and agriculture (cf. 1:1-2:11) 1. The crisis was God’s chastisement 2. Locust was God’s vehicle and their invasion of Jerusalem and Judah was God ordained 3. It had a domino effect—it will

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John 2:1-11

Sermon: Newness Bible Passage: John 2:1-11 I. A quick word about the passage 1. About 50 years after Jesus turned water into wine, Apostle John recollected the event to an audience most likely living in Ephesus 2. The purpose of such recollection is not just to give historical information, but

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Ephesians 5:25-33

Sermon: Jesus the Valentine Bible Passage: Ephesians 5:25-33 I. Husbands are exhorted to “love” their wives (5:25) 1. Love is not a feeling 2. It is an action 3. It is transformative 4. It is void of self-interest 5. It is centered on others 6. (Let’s see how “love” is

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Romans 6:1-14

Series: The Book of Romans Sermon: Newness of Life Bible Passage: Romans 6:1-14 I. Two extremes were happening in the Church at Rome 1. Some Christians criticized that the Gospel encouraged lawless life (cf. Rom 3:7-8; 6:1) 2. On the other hand, some born-again Christians were deliberately sinning with the belief that God

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Psalm 46; Matthew 8:23-27

Sermon: Facing Challenging Life Situations Bible Passage: Psalm 46; Matt 8:23-27 I. The psalmist explains the situation around him and the people of Judah with the following metaphors 1. Earthquake (verse 2, 3) 2. Mountains tumble (verse 2) 3. Waves crash and foam (verse 3) 4. Nations in uproar hostility, (verse 6)

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