Ephesians 1:3-6

Series: The Book of Ephesians Sermon: Identity#2 Bible Passage: Ephesians 1:3-6 I. “To the saints who are in Ephesus, that is, the believers in Christ Jesus” (1:1) 1. God changed sinners to “saints” and has left them to live in this world 2. How do you function in this world with

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Ephesians 1:1-2

Series: The Book of Ephesians Sermon: Identity #1 Bible Passage: Ephesians 1:1-2 Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, to the saints who are in Ephesus, that is, the believers in Christ Jesus. 1:2 Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ!

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Revelation 3:1-6

Sermon: The Church at Sardis Bible Passage: Revelation 3:1-6 I. In the eyes of others, the Church at Sardis looked great! (3:1) “I know your deeds, that you have a reputation that you are alive, but in reality you are dead” 1. It was a fairly wealthy church 2. It probably

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John 20

Sermon: The Resurrected Jesus Bible Passage: John 20 1. Good Friday is not the end of everything; Easter follows Good Friday 2. There is so much more to the salvation history beyond Good Friday! 3. Easter is not the end of everything, but it’s the beginning of everything I. Let’s look

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Matthew 27:51a

Sermon: The Veil Bible Passage: Matt 27:51a “Behold! The veil of the Temple (of the Holy of Holies) was torn into two from top to bottom” 1. The expression “behold” introduces something spectacular—it often introduces a divine revelation or communication 2. The veil here is identified as “the veil of the Holy of

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Luke 19:28-40

Sermon: Jesus the King Bible Passage: Luke 19:28-40 I. Introductory matters 1. Jesus left Galilee (cf. Luke 9:51) for Jerusalem 2. Jesus traveled through Jericho and reached Mount of Olives, where kings usually would begin their entry towards the city of Jerusalem after their victory—triumphal entry 3. It is also the traditional place

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Malachi 1:6–14

Sermon: Worship Characterized by Honor and Respect Bible Passage: Malachi 1:6–14 I. This section (1:6–2:9) was addressed to the priests—the religious leaders of the community! 1. They needed to exemplify godly living so that the community would follow them 2. In this instance, they failed to lead by example; consequently, their

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Luke 18:18-25

Sermon: God and Mammon Bible passage: Luke 18:18-25 I. About the ruler/leader: 1. He was wealthy (cf. Matt 19:22 “very rich”; Mark 10:17 “very rich”) 2. He was an official, a pious civic leader 3. He came to meet Jesus without hesitation 4. Despite his religiosity, he lacked the assurance of

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Exodus 25:1-8

Sermon: Build This House of God Bible Passage: Exodus 25:1-8 I. Introductory Remarks: II. Exodus 25:8 “Have them make a sanctuary for me, and I will dwell among them” 1. After letting them experience His goodness, God gave them a chance to reciprocate in a tangible manner 2. After becoming God’s

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Psalms 51:1-17

Sermon: Regrets to Repentance Bible Passage: Psalms 51:1-17 Introductory matters 1. Twofold effects of sin: the act of sin and its stain upon the person’s heart and conscience! 2. David violated God’s holiness and subsequently was weighed down with guilt but he was in an attempt to live with external cover ups!

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