Sermon: Evidence of Spiritual Transformation and Maturity
Bible Passage: Philippians 1:1-11
Three important transformations that call for our attention (verses 1-2):
1. Paul’s transformation (verse 1)
a. A person with an impressive credentials identifies himself voluntarily as a “slave” “a bond slave”—“slave of Christ”
b. What an amazing transformation Paul went through from a proud Pharisee to a slave of Jesus Christ
c. The more a person looks at Jesus, the more he/she loses his/her pride and arrogance
2. Believers’ transformation (verse 1)
a. Paul calls the Philippian Christians “holy ones” (what a transformation! They were sinners, deserving death and eternal condemnation)
b. The expression “holy ones” does not refer to “people with holy behavior, but it refers to the special relationship they have with God
c. They are “holy” because God incorporated them in the person of Christ—“in Christ” is the new realm of their existence)
d. By virtue of this special relationship, they were separated from the profane world
e. Believers of Philippi are called “holy ones” (verse 1b)—they are set apart for God and the service of God
3. Transformation of their relationship with God as “Father” (verse 2)
a. Intimacy of relationship between God and the Philippian Christians
b. Transference of Jesus’ relationship with the Father to the believers
c. Evolution of a global family “God our Father”
4. Paul and the members of Philippian Christians had a wonderful relationship (1:3-4)—
a. “I thank my God every time I remember you”
b. “I always pray with joy in my every prayer for all of you”
c. “I have you in my heart” (verse 7)
d. “I long for all of you with the affection of Christ Jesus”(verse 8)
5. Their spiritual transformation and maturity were becoming evident from their participation in God’s work
a. The church participated in the work of God in the world (verse 5)
b. They were contributing to the spread of the Gospel substantively (verse 5)
c. Since both in my imprisonment and in the defense and confirmation of the gospel all of you became partners in grace together with me (verse 7)
6. Philippian Christians’ participation in God’s work is evidence of God’s work in their lives (verse 6 cf. 2 Cor 8:7)
a. “He who began (has begun) a good work” refers backward
b. “He will complete it until the day of Christ” refers to the future (God is the subject)
7. Paul desires more/further spiritual maturity and growth for the Philippian believers (vv. 9-11)
a. Love for God and others—“your love may abound even more and more in knowledge and every kind of insight” (verse 9)
b. Fruit of righteousness (verse 11 “filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ to the glory and praise of God”)—ethical behavior
Take Away:
Desire for more/further spiritual maturity, i.e., love and fruit of righteousness