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Sermon: The Church at Sardis
Bible Passage: Revelation 3:1-6

I. In the eyes of others, the Church at Sardis looked great! (3:1) “I know your deeds, that you have a reputation that you are alive, but in reality you are dead”

1. It was a fairly wealthy church
2. It probably had a structure
3. It probably had a team of clergies!
4. It probably had other activities: songs, small groups, sermons, etc.
5. There is no obvious external threat to Christians in Sardis, but they themselves seemed to be their threat

II. But, to the eyes of Jesus, they were “dead” (3:1) “I know your deeds, that you have a reputation that you are alive, but in reality you are dead”

1. Could it be the lack of witness which makes them remain “dead”?
2. Could it be that there was no distinct mark of Christians when compared to the non-Christians?—compromised lifestyle?

III. Jesus knows the work of the Church at Sardis (3:1) “I know your deeds”

1. Man looks outside, but God sees inside
2. God has deep knowledge of every local church and every believer—?!— “full, accurate knowledge”
3. If Jesus were to make the same statement of us today, how would it look?

IV. Jesus is making a comment sarcastically about the Church at Sardis (3:1)

1. They have a reputation to be alive (3:1)
2. Is it an imagery for “faking” or not having a realistic self-assessment?
3. May be, they had external piety but it did not have substance!

V. Jesus is making a realistic assessment of the Church at Sardis

1. They were dead
2. A state of loss of life
3. A kind of spiritual lethargy
4. Low profile Christianity (keeping the light under the bushel)
5. non-witnessing Christians

VI. Jesus warns the Church at Sardis to wake up from almost being dead (3:2)— Wake up then, and strengthen what remains that was about to die

1. Many of them probably did not see what Jesus was seeing in them
2. They were oblivious to their spiritual deadness
3. There is an organic connection between life and witness, and deadness and lack of witness
4. They probably were satisfied with their externals—danger!!

VII. Jesus warns them to strengthen what is fast deteriorating (3:2)

1. This deterioration is evidenced from their deeds
2. They begin, but do not complete
3. They are unable to focus due to distractions
4. They compromise—they do not hold on to their faith where they need to!!

VIII. Jesus gives them remedy for their spiritual deadness and way to be revived (3:2-3)

1. Wake up (3:2)
2. Strengthen what remains (3:2)
3. Remember or recollect the teachings (The Word of God); keep them (3:3)
4. Repent from their sins (3:3)
5. If not, death is sure (3:3)

IX. Jesus warns that He will not ignore the Church’s handling of their Christian life (3:3-4)

1. “I will come” refers to Jesus’ coming for punitive action (3:3)
2. These Christians have “soiled their clothes”—refers to compromised lifestyle (3:4)
3. Those who do not heed to Jesus’ warning will risk their “reputation” being removed (3:5)
4. Those who heed to Jesus’ warning will be rewarded with Jesus’ appreciation before the Father (3:5)
5. This passage cautions those who take God’s grace for granted

Take Away:

Fix your compromised lifestyle by holding fast to the teaching of the Word, and by repenting from your compromises