Series: Christmas 2021
Sermon: Go’el
Bible Passage: Ruth 4:9-10
The Hebrew noun go’el refers to a man’s nearest relative—the Bible translates this word as “redeemer”
I. The definition of “to redeem” or “redeemer” is :
1. To do the part of a kinsman/relative—“to set one free from helplessness and danger,” “to release” etc.
2. To buy back a person from debt bondage (cf. Lev 25:47f)
3. To avenge the blood by killing the manslayer of his relative (cf. Num 35:12)
4. To establish a line of posterity when a male member of a family is deceased (cf. Gen 38:6-11; Deut 25:5-6; Ruth 4:4, 6)
II. Naomi and Ruth were in need of a redeemer because
1. The death of her husband and sons prevented her from claim over her husband’s land (cf. Num 27:9-11)
2. There was no male left in their family to care for Naomi and raise up children who would inherit their property and carry their name (cf. Gen 38:6-11; Deut 25:5-6; Ruth 4:4, 6)
III. There were two Elimelech’s kinsmen who were in pecking order to come to the side of Naomi and Ruth
1. (1) peloni almoni—“so and so” the nameless relative (4:1) and (2) Boaz
2. “so and so” wanted to have Elimelech’s land, but did not want to marry Ruth
a. peloni almoni “so and so” washed his hands with regard to Naomi and Ruth
b. He said, “Redeem you for thyself what I should redeem, for I cannot redeem it” 4:6)
3. On the other hand, although second in pecking order, Boaz stands for the widows
4. A relative is not a relative if they don’t care for their needy ones
IV . Boaz does two things to Ruth and Naomi
1. He redeems the land of Elimelech
2. He is ready to establish the line of the deceased
3. He ushered a new life and future for Naomi and Ruth
a. Boaz gained access to Elimelech’s land
b. Boaz, the man of “high ideals,” got Ruth, the “woman of high ideals”
4. He was obedient to the Scripture
V. The LORD used the title “redeemer” for Himself
1. The LORD is called “the go’el” “the Redeemer”
2. The LORD is the go’el of the fatherless and widow, and please their cause
VI. Galatians 3: 13-14 Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us (because it is written, “Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree”) in order that in Christ Jesus the blessing of Abraham would come to the Gentiles, so that we could receive the promise of the Spirit by faith
1. No one has inherent goodness to stand before God
2. Everyone in the world has become a prisoner of sin
3. There is no possibility of receiving divine favor (cf. Rom 3:21)
4. Jesus “buys back” the helpless humanity and “sets them free” by the payment of a price—the Redeemer
VII. Purpose of the redemption
1. That the blessing of Abraham might be extended to everyone in Christ (cf. Gen 12:1-2)
2. That the promise of the Spirit might be received by faith
3. That we might receive adoption by sonship (cf. Gal 4:5)
4. That we might be purified for himself a people that are his very own (cf. Titus 2:14)
5. That we might be “people of God” (cf. Rev 5:9)
Take Away:
Be “Boazes” and don’t become “peloni almoni”s