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Sermon: The Word, Repentance, and Restoration
Bible Passage: Zechariah 1:1-6

I. Verse 1 carries the expression “the Word of the LORD”

1. Gen 15:1 “After these things the word of the LORD came to Abram in a vision, saying, Fear not, Abram; I am thy shield, thy exceeding great reward”
2. Exod 6:28 “And it came to pass on the day when the LORD spoke to Moses in the land of Egypt
3. Exod 19:8 all the people answered together, and said, All that the LORD has spoken will we do!
4. 2 Sam 7:4 And it came to pass that night that the word of the LORD came to Nathan
5. Haggai 1:1 the word of the LORD came by Haggai the prophet, saying

a. Dispels fear
b. Provides guidance
c. Sends help to people in trouble
d. Convicts people of their sins

6. When the Word of the LORD came, people changed
7. The Word is not just an assemblage of sound, but it has an existence and power

II. The Word of the LORD came to Zechariah (1:1) when …

1. They were called to complete the unfinished Temple in Jerusalem—a huge task
2. They had lost enthusiasm to proceed with the LORD’s work
3. They were self-focused, distracted
4. They were discouraged by their neighbors (they were looked down upon)
5. The purpose of the Word of the LORD was to bring out a change towards the purposes of God

III. Verse 2: “The Lord was very angry with your ancestors”

1. “Anger” was the LORD’s legitimate response to the people of Judah who were intentionally disobedient to Him
2. The LORD’s anger resulted in their Exile and the destruction of their Temple
3. The LORD let the children know that their ancestors earned God’s anger
4. When God was dealing with them with mercy and compassion, they were reciprocating in an opposite way
5. God was angry with them and allowed Babylonians to invade Judah and destroy the Temple
6. Though God was “very angry” at them, He did not abandon them
7. Just as their forefathers, the audience of Zechariah are also capable of provoking God to be “angry” (“very angry”)

IV. Verse 3: Therefore, say to the people: The LORD Sabaoth says, “Turn to me,” says the LORD Sabaoth, “and I will turn to you,” says the LORD Sabaoth

1. The LORD invokes His name three times to the message of this passage
2. The LORD’s self-description “Sabaoth” underlines His quality
3. The expression “Sabaoth”  occurs 285 times

a. The God of the whole earth
b. God who rules over all
c. Almighty (military nuance)

4. The implication of the LORD’s self-description is that what He tells has weight and certainty and it is to be hearkened and attended to
5. The LORD Sabaoth’s instruction to the people of Judah is “turn toward me”

a. The word “to turn towards me” means “to repent”
b. It is to have a positive relationship with the LORD—it’s not just a temporary behavior modification
c. It involves penitence with corresponding loyalty towards the LORD Sabaoth
d. It is not to be distracted towards things or self, but focused on the LORD

6. “and I will turn to you”

a. Restoration, reestablish
b. It refers to the mending of the LORD’s covenant relationship, change of His legitimate anger, and coming back to dwell in the Temple that is going to be completed

7. Verse 4a: “Do not be like your ancestors, to whom the former prophets called out, saying, ‘The Lord who rules over all says, “Turn now from your evil wickedness,” ’ but they did not hearken nor attend unto me,” says the Lord

a. Their ancestors heard the LORD through prophets like Jeremiah
b. But they did not take the LORD seriously
c. In other words, they disobeyed the LORD (hearing the LORD but without corresponding behavior change)
d. The audience of Zechariah must not be like their ancestors; they must “obey” the LORD (to hearken and attend to)

8. Your fathers, where are they? and the prophets, do they live forever?

a. The LORD is calling for their attention to the historical fact
b. Their forefathers received punishment for their disobedience

9. But my words and my statutes, which I commanded my servants the prophets, did they not overtake your fathers?

a. The Word of the LORD continues to be reliable and powerful
b. The Word of the LORD needs to be hearkened and attended to (obedience)

10. They [the audience of Zechariah] turned towards God and paid attention to what the LORD Sabaoth instructed them (verse 6)

a. They confessed, “The Lord Sabaoth has indeed done what he said he would do to us, because of our sinful ways”
b. They pledged their loyalty to the LORD Sabaoth

V. What we learn from this passage?

1. God speaks to His people (the Word of the LORD)
2. The Word of the LORD needs to be hearkened and attended to
3. The people of God must develop obedience as a sign of their listening
4. God restores His people when they come to Him with penitence

VI. Hebrews 1:1-4 says,

1. 1:1 After God spoke long ago in various portions and in various ways to our ancestors through the prophets,
2. 1:2 in these last days he has spoken to us in a son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom he created the world
3. 1:3 The Son is the radiance of his glory and the representation of his essence, and he sustains all things by his powerful word, and so when he had accomplished cleansing for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high

VII. In these verses, the writer of the book of Hebrews is saying:

1. God spoke through prophets “the Word of the LORD”
2. God the Father speaks to us now through His Son, Jesus
3. What is God the Father speaking through God the Son?

a. Jesus propitiated the Father’s legitimate anger through His death, burial, and resurrection
b. Those who have received Jesus as their personal Savior and Lord have continued access to the Father
c. Believers need not stay away from the Father—they need to “turn to Him”

VIII. Hebrews 2:1 “Therefore we must pay closer attention to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away”

1. Pay close attention to Father’s communication through His Son
2. Without listening, believers can drift away (it’s part of the warning passage):

a. Carelessness of mind which, perhaps occupied by other things, is not aware it is losing ground
b. A loss occurring unnoticed

Take Away:

Turn from your distractions and listen to the Father abundantly who speaks through His Son, Jesus